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Thank you so much - i feel very honoured!

Autorenbild: Susanne KraussSusanne Krauss

Aktualisiert: 9. Juni 2023

The Grannies (and me ;-)) can't believe it!

50 K at Instagram!

And so I have a nice surprise for you:

Many of you have wished for it - now it's time to finally make your wish come true:
You have the Chance to ecome part of the legendary Granniegang!

You don't have to be a granny to do that.
The only thing you have to be:

You (or a person who officially allows you to send a picture of her/x) have/has to be female or x and over 70 years old.

All you have to do the next step:
Send me a high-resolution photo with a laughing portrait of you or a person who officially allows it (only the face and shoulders, without mask or costume):

Important to knew:
The light on the picture may come from the front or the side, but the sun should not shine directly into your face (otherwise there will be too harsh shadows).
It is better to take the picture in daylight!

Also important: The picture must have a high resolution (at least 2000 x 3000 px edge length).
(The don’t have to be Pro-Pics, it's absolutely ok if they’re photographed with your Smartphone!)

You (or the person concerned) have/has to agree to publication on all media.
(Social media, web & print)

and then...
From all participants, 3 ladies / x-persons will be selected as finalists whose images will be edited as an original Granniegang member and all 3 final images will be published here on this account.

All three participants will receive their personal image as a numbered and signed art print!

Each(!) participant will also receive a certificate of participation and can call her/theirself a lifelong member of the Granniegang :-)

Most important:
By sending the photos you accept the responsibility for the publication of the pictures.

Please understand that due to the protection of personal rights, only photos with the personal(!) permission of the person depicted can be considered.

The closing date for entries is 2023/06/28.

Good Luck,

Susanne and the Girls of the Granniegang

PS: The Grannies meanwhile retire a little on this hot summer day and take a bath of 50,000 iced balls.

PPS: Prints of all Series will be availible in July.


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